2022 01 04 Wee walks
With the Christmas/New Year suggested resrictions still in place it was decided not to have a group walk and so it was left to individuals to plan their own activities.
These are the reported walks.
E-Mail From Graham: Tom, I was interested to see that you walked through Craigiehall. After a little research I discovered that the army moved out in 2019.
E-Mail from Neil: I once went to Craigiehall Barracks uninvited and asked if I might gain access to inspect the Grade A listed Craigiehall House. The gentleman with the assault rifle at the gate was unimpressed, and declined my request…
E-Mail From Donald: I knew a guy who was a member of the army shooting syndicate who shot over the fields at Craigiehall. On one occasion they came out of a wood to find themselves surrounded by armed MOD Police. Apparently Attach: a passenger on an incoming aircraft had reported seeing armed men in the woods beside the airport. Makes a good story anyway!
E-Mail From Tom: Here are the photos of the deserted Craigiehall. (Only one selected)
E-Mail From Graham: It does look like a ghost town, Tom.
E-mail from Colin: Brings back memories of attending an emergency planning exercise. Can’t remember what it was about but the lunch was good!