9th Scout Group
This part of the Archive holds records which cover more than one of the sections of the 9th Group.
History of the 9th *** Search ***1920-1922 The Sonian Scout1928-1930 The Cub DYB Magazine1939-45 Group History from the GWC Illustrated History in 2000Watsonian Magazine reports and other reports of Group Activities Venture Unit Reports 1967-1969 1970 Apr-July Group Newsheet The Ninth Newssheet 1970-71 Ninth Magazines 1959 - 1973 and Ninth News 1975 - 1998 *** The Ninth Group Fellowship
Events in the 1920sEvents in the 1930sEvents in the 1950sEvents in the 1960sEvents in the 1970sEvents in the 1980sEvents in the 1990sEvents in the 2000sEvents in the 2010s
Group Directory 1930 -2009 including other membership recordsScoutmasters and LeadersRogues Gallery
Courts-of-Honour 1908 - 19741910 Troop Roll Book1919 Troop Rules1919 Roll Book Group Executive Minutes/AGMs , Group Scouter's Meeting Minutes and Administration Records Scout Badges Between the Venachars 2005 - Camp Fire Song Book Equipment Use and Borrowing 1989 -1992
The 9th Archive - Team and Location
[790 hits]
1910 Bicycle Hike in Galloway
1998 Beaver Start-up