Welcome to the 9th Online Archive

This Online Archive has been put together over a number of years by a small group of former 9th Scouts using the extensive Group archive, which dates from 1908 to the present day. It reflects the considerable enjoyment that Scouting has given to many Watson's pupils over the years.

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Archive Material

Reunion and Anniversary Photos
Sandy Somerville
Maps of Camps, Hikes and Treks in the Archive***
Scout History
Formal Group Photographs
Group Archive

Including records covering more than one section,
e.g. Cubs and Scouts together *

Beaver Archive
Cub Archive
Scout Archive

Rover Archive
Venture Scout Archive
Explorer Scout Archive
Former Scouts Archive
The 9th Assistance to other Troops
The 9th through the Decades (Slideshow) (Flickr page)
List of Videos in the Archive (as at Feb 2021)
Alphabetical list of Archive pages (current)
Chronological list of Archive pages (as at Jan 2024)
Former Scouts Annual Reunion Hikes
See further archive items in the menu (left)

1938: The Scout Troop
(Click the photo for more Group photographs)

Josh Kerr 2023 World Champion 1500m - and once a 9th Cub!
(Josh Kerr, gold medalist in the World 1500 metres final, is a former 9th Cub who was inspired to be an athlete after he gained his Athletes badge.)

[1950 hits since 24th January 2024]