Centenary Dinner - Group Photograph

Here is a reduced-resolution copy of the Centenary Group Photograph which was taken just prior to the Centenary Dinner at Myreside on 6th September 2008.

A mounted 10" x 8" copy of the Centenary Group Photograph is available for purchase.

Please print out (click the Print link at the foot of this web page, then print the text-only page which results), complete and post the following form:


  To: Steven Parry Donald Photography,
      246 Dalry Road
      Edinburgh EH11 2JG

     (Tel 0131 337 6021)

  I wish to purchase a copy of the Ninth Morningside Edinburgh Scout Group
  centenary photograph taken at Myreside on the evening of 6th September 2008.

  I enclose a cheque for £17.50 + £2.50 p&p = £20.00

  Name:    ___________________________________________

  Address: ___________________________________________




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