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- Al Gray has given us his father's (R W Stewart Gray) photo albums for his time in the 9th Rovers covering Rover Hikes and Rover assistance to other troops. These have been added to the Rover section. 2021 August
- A Video List*** is now available (early 2021), giving a list of all the Videos on the archive.
(Nigel Ferguson has loaded a large number of videos from 1963 to 2011. Some of these are remastered old ones, but most are new.) - There are Maps showing the location of most of the Scout Camp Sites***.
- Maps of the Former Scouts Walks are available.
- Urgently required: photos and information from currently active Members of the Group. Please contact the Archive Master.
- A red star system (*, **, ***, etc.) is in use: the number of *s indicates how interesting the Archive Editor thinks the item is.
(No stars means the item has not been ranked.) Examining the Chronological List is the easiest way to find these gems.
- A Search facility*** is available.
- If you find any broken links please tell the Archive Master.
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[131 hits since end March 2017]